How are my gains calculated?
A Creator's remuneration is based on two components:
- A 35% share of the sales (excluding VAT) generated by the videos he/she exploits, called Video Gains.
- A 35% share of purchases made by customers that the Creator brings to the network, called Affiliate Gains.
These two types of earnings are cumulative. So when the customers you've invited to join Gay Network watch your videos, you'll benefit from 70% of the revenue generated by these views.
Affiliate compensation is based solely on affiliate gains.
Video gains
Sales generated by videos come from two alternative payment formulas:
- The purchase of non-renewable ticket lots, the number of tickets required to rent a video being indicated on each video's presentation sheet;
- A renewable monthly subscription, giving access to all the videos available on the network;
Affiliate gains
- When a customer clicks on the url of a studio or video posted on a website or application and opens an account on GayNetwork during the open session, they are automatically affiliated with the Creator who owns the studio or video. This system makes it possible to pay Creators who share their GayNetwork content on social networks, without having to worry about adding a code to the url.
- When a customer clicks on the url of a studio or video that includes an Affiliate code, and opens an account during the session thus opened, they are automatically affiliated to the Creator or Affiliate who integrated their Affiliate code into the url. This system remunerates Creators who share the content of other GayNetwork Creators on social networks. And to pay Affiliates who promote GayNetwork Studios or videos on their sites.
All purchases (excluding VAT) made on the Solution by customers affiliated to a Creator or an Affiliate are used as the basis for calculating their affiliation earnings. The Creator's or Affiliate's share is 35%. It is calculated each month on the basis of the statement of purchases made by customers.
The revenue-sharing period for an affiliate customer is 12 months from the opening of the customer's account. After this period, Members' purchases are no longer included in the basis for calculating affiliate earnings.
How do I get paid?
If you're a professional, you have two options.
- You can send an invoice to
[email protected]. Don't forget to mention your Tax ID number, the earnings period concerned (note: only invoice for complete calendar months - e.g. January 1 to March 31, not January 8 to March 23), the nature of the earnings invoiced (distinguish between video earnings and affiliate earnings) and VAT, if applicable. If you are a professional established in France and are not subject to VAT, don't forget to mention "TVA non applicable article 293 B du code général de impôts". This is a compulsory statement.
- You can also use the self-billing module available in the home section of your account and issue your invoice when you request payment. Self-billing includes the information you entered when creating your account, such as your VAT status or tax identification number.
If you are an amateur, you must issue your gain notices from the home section of your account when you request a settlement.
What are the thresholds for settlements?
The minimum threshold to receive a settlement is €100 or $100.
When an amateur's cumulative gains exceed a certain threshold ( see details in your contract ) in the course of a calendar year, he or she must, in order to be eligible for settlement, adopt professional status or defer settlement of the excess to the following calendar year.
What payment methods are accepted?
Do I have to charge VAT?
We pay VAT and TSV on sales to our customers. You are therefore not liable to the tax authorities for these taxes.
Concerning the VAT that may be applicable on the Video Winnings or Affiliate Winnings that you invoice us, we invite you to consult the information provided by the French administration: de-territorialite-tva-page-en-cours-de-creation.
You are solely responsible for declaring said gains to the tax authorities under your jurisdiction, and for declaring and paying the VAT you invoice us.
What are the tax and social obligations of a Creator?
By signing the contract that binds us, you agree to fulfill all your social and tax obligations as described below.
Tax obligations:
Social obligations: leconomie.html
The following fact sheets are also available in French at the following addresses: res_revenus/eco-collabo-fiscal-service.pdf
The rules set out above are subject to change (in particular the various thresholds which are re-evaluated each year) and that each user of GayNetwork is solely responsible for his or her legal obligations and in particular tax and social obligations.
With regard to social protection, we remind you that article 2 of the present contract excludes any relationship of subordination and under no circumstances confers on the Creator the status of employee of the Service Provider. Earnings generated on the Solution may, where applicable, be subject to social security contributions, which are payable by the Creator, who undertakes to pay them. We therefore invite you to consult the link below:
In addition, when the Creator is a micro-entrepreneur, he/she undertakes to provide us, on first request, with a Certificate of Vigilance from Urssaf at the end of each half-year. For more information, please consult the following link:
The tax authorities and social security funds can provide further information and answer any questions you may have. We therefore recommend that you contact your tax office, social security fund or specialist advisor if you have any doubts.