Become famous overnight
Start making money now!
GayNetwork is composed of 40 gay sites and frequented by 200,000 active users! As the European leader in gay video for 20 years, our network includes iconic studios and star creators. We offer you an exceptional window of exposure, enabling you to become virtually famous overnight. Thanks to the large number of visitors to our platform, you'll earn money as soon as your first video is activated.
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Become famous overnight
Start making money now!
GayNetwork is composed of 40 gay sites and frequented by 200,000 active users! As the European leader in gay video for 20 years, our network includes iconic studios and star creators. We offer you an exceptional window of exposure, enabling you to become virtually famous overnight. Thanks to the large number of visitors to our platform, you'll earn money as soon as your first video is activated.
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How much do I earn?
Benefit from the synergy of our network
When you bring customers into the network and they watch your videos, you earn 70% of the generated revenue. Additionally, if customers who were introduced by other studios watch your content, you receive 35% of the revenue generated from those views. Moreover, when your customers watch videos produced by other studios, you earn 35% of the revenue from their purchases. By sharing your videos on Gay Network, you not only enhance your visibility but also significantly increase your potential earnings.
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How and when do I get paid?
Zero hidden fees, regular et secure payouts
You are paid monthly in the currency of your choice. We charge no recurring fees or hidden costs. Your viewing statistics are updated in real time, allowing you to track your earnings transparently.
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Who manages my videos?
You're the boss!
Schedule and set the prices of your videos. Deactivate or delete your videos at any time.
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Together we're stronger!
Boost your affiliate income
Invite your fans to GayNetwork and earn 35% on purchases they make from other creators or studios. And don't forget to invite your collabs. As your network grows, so does your income. It's a win-win situation!
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Go for it !
Create your studio, upload few videos, and start making money today !
Your videos will be published on url easy to remember and advertize
Register now
Choose an artist name
It will also be the name of your studio and its address on GayNetwork
Upload your videos
A couple videos is all you need to get your business off the ground!
Start earning money
Set a price for each video and earn money on every sale.